Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Have you ever turned your house upside down looking for your car keys, your wallet, or even a piece of jewelry, only to discover it lying right in front of you on the table?  Or have you ever been so engrossed in reading a book that you didn’t notice your kids had changed the TV channel?

This is psychologically known as Inattentional Blindness and Change Blindness, or more commonly, LOOKING WITHOUT SEEING.  Inattentional Blindness is the lack of attention, or failure to recognize what is in plain sight.  Change Blindness is failure to see an obvious change.  Research shows that unless our attention is directed to it, we rarely see what we are looking at.  This can have serious life-and-death consequences.

In 1991, a study was done with experienced airline pilots training in flight simulators. Some pilots proceeded to land when a clearly visible plane was blocking the runway.  They were paying close attention to the display console and carefully watching the airspeed indicator that they were unaware of the second plane until it was too late to avoid a collision!
As unnerving as this sounds, such an event is not uncommon.  This may also be the reason for so many car accidents.  People become distracted and inattentive for various reasons, like talking on the cell phone or turning up the radio and singing along to the music.

Inattentional Blindness and Change Blindness are also factors in in physical assaults.  This happens when you are engrossed in texting or speaking on the phone when outside and also when listening to music with headphones in.  These are just some of the many distractions that can put us in harm’s way, threatening our personal safety.

Additionally, our need for routine can lead to Change Blindness.  We sometimes get so wrapped up in keeping to our daily schedules, doing the same things at the same time, day in and day out, that we fail to see the changes within our environment.  This too can be detrimental to our personal safety, as we may not notice danger that is right underneath our nose.

This is why using the “10-Second Rule” to scan your environment is so important.  Look at this image, firstly, for just 3-seconds then look away.  How many triangles did you see?

Now look at the image again, but this time for 10-seconds.  How many triangles did you see on looking for longer?  Most people will answer with a higher number of triangles after observing for 10-seconds.
We need to adopt the 10-second rule in our everyday lives.  You will see a lot more in your environment by doing so.  When you drive to the store, before you get out of your car, scan your environment for 10-seconds!  When walking towards the store, scan again!  When going for a run or walk, scan, scan, scan! Pay attention and observe changes.

Take a look at this photo.  Can you spot the 9 differences?  These types of puzzles are an excellent way to test your observational skills.

Powerhouse is the LEADER in Emotional Self-Defense.
The Powerhouse mission is to EDUCATE and EMPOWER ALL girls and women to live Safe, Healthy and Active Lives. In order to do this our Program includes the very important component of Emotional Self-Defense.  We teach skills in Prediction, Recognition of danger signs, Observation and understanding and being in tune with your Intuition.

Take the first step towards your personal safety TODAY by contacting us and becoming POWERHOUSE STRONG!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


"Tis the Season to be jolly!"  "Tis the Season to be careless too!"  We get so wrapped up in the excitement of the celebrations, the Christmas music, the buzz at the Malls, people laden with gifts for their loved ones! A time for giving and a time for receiving. It really is the most wonderful time of the year for many! It can also be the most dangerous time of the year in terms of personal safety!

Many people tend to forget about their personal safety during the holiday season, as they become distracted and zone out due to all the festivities.  The criminals know this and they are always looking for an opportunity!  POWERHOUSE wants you to have a fun, happy and SAFE Holiday Season. Here are some SAFETY TIPS to reduce the chance of you becoming a victim!


It is important to be aware AT ALL TIMES!
- If possible, shop during daylight hours.  If you do have to shop at night, park your vehicle in a well-lit area close to the entrance.
- Avoid carrying large sums of cash. If you do have to carry large sums, divide into several amounts and place them in different pockets.
- Hold your purse/bag close to your body, in front of you.
- Keep your personal items like money, credit cards and cell phones hidden.
- Do not make expensive purchases where lots of people can see, especially if the purchase is made with cash.
- If someone bumps into you, stay alert and back away from them.  Be sure they do not follow you.
- Do not wear expensive jewelry when shopping.
- Avoid carrying too many bags in one go.  If necessary, make several trips back to your car, keeping items out of sight. Then move car to a different parking spot.
Walk with confidence, looking around you AT ALL!


- On leaving the store/mall, have your car keys ready.  Look around the parking lot.  If it looks isolated and you are feeling nervous, get Mall Security to walk you to your car.

- As you approach your car, look under it and around it.

- Keep all your valuables out of sight and in the truck of your car.

- When placing bags in your car, look around you for anyone approaching.  Move quickly.

- Be aware of anyone striking up a conversation with you when you are walking to your car.

- Always lock your car and roll up windows, even if just popping into the store for five minutes.


Use common sense AT ALL TIMES!
- Make sure you have locks on all doors and windows and remember to activate your home security system, if you have one.
- Ask a trusted neighbor, or close friend or family member to keep an eye on your home while you are away, including collecting your mail.
- Put lights on a timer to give the illusion that someone is home.  It is a good idea to put a timer on a TV or radio too.
- If you are not driving your car on vacation, park your car in the usual way.  If you are taking your car, ask a neighbor to park their car in your driveway.
- As excited as you are, DO NOT post on social media your plans to go away.
POWERHOUSE cares about your Safety and the Safety of your loved ones! Please share this blog with them and have a SAFE, FUN and MEMORABLE Holiday Season!

The Powerhouse mission is to educate and empower ALL girls and women to live SAFE, HEALTHY and ACTIVE lives. In order to do this our Program includes the very important component of Emotional Self-Defense.  We teach skills in Prediction, Recognition of danger signs, Observation and understanding and being in tune with your Intuition.Take the first step towards your personal safety TODAY by contacting us at POWERHOUSE STRONG!

Monday, November 10, 2014


Sex-trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the US. It is a massive $9.8 billion industry. Globally, it is a $32 billion industry, which means the US represents almost one-third of this, with Atlanta ranking Number 1 in terms of it being the city where it is most lucrative!

There are certain factors that put people at risk of becoming a victim of trafficking. These include poverty, low levels of education and discrimination relating to race, gender or class.  They also include volatile family situations like domestic violence. In all these situations, there is one common denominator.  That is the children, usually girls, have very low esteem! Additionally, they may feel they are invisible!
Human beings are naturally social beings.  We have the need to feel connected and valued by others, especially our family and friends. When we are ignored or ostracized, we feel we are invisible.  This is especially true for adolescents who are already experiencing hormonal changes and transitioning from child to adult.  They are no longer really considered as children, but are not yet adults.  The feeling of being invisible can have a negative emotional and psychological impact on adolescents, with their self-esteem levels dropping dramatically, as they do not feel they are being fairly treated, heard or respected!
Traffickers are well aware of the emotions of adolescents and teenagers and so search for their victims in school yards, malls and online.  A common approach is to infiltrate themselves into the life of a victim by playing the role of a boyfriend, thereby starting the grooming process!  They buy the girls gifts, give them praise and pay them a lot of attention.  Over a period of time the girls begin to trust the trafficker, the pimp, who by this time has persuaded the girls to turn away from their family and friends by playing with their emotions.  They may say things like, “Your friends don’t really care about you, but you know I do!” Or, “I would never treat you like a child, the way your parents do! You are an independent woman in my eyes!”

Adolescents and teenagers respond to this sort of flattery, especially when they are feeling invisible, or lacking self-esteem.  The trafficker knows this!  They know that the girls will be flattered with an offer of becoming a model or an actress and may pose as a Photographer for a Modelling Agency, a Movie Producer, or someone with strong connections to this glamorous industry, which is so appealing to a teenager.  The trafficker may even offer to buy clothes and pay for photo shoots.  The result is that these photos will invariably be put on an escort service website, or something similar!

The girls will eventually be coerced into running away, with the promise of a glamorous life that their parents would object to!  Once the girls have left, they are then forced into working for the pimp.  A pimp may have numerous ‘girlfriends’ and if the girls believe he is THEIR boyfriend, they are likely to feel jealous about the other girls and therefore want to please their ‘boyfriend.’  The pimp knows this and plays the girls’ jealousies off each other!  In doing so he is able to keep them in line and under his control.
Through intimidation and persuasion the girls are coerced into prostitution.  Once they have completed their first act, the girls believe they are now criminals, but that their ‘boyfriend’ will protect them.

How Can We Protect Our Girls?
Powerhouse believes that in order to combat this feeling of being invisible, or lacking self-esteem, adolescents and teenagers should get involved in a Program that helps to build their confidence and courage.  The POWERHOUSE Personal Safety & Empowerment Program is designed specifically for this.  Through Emotional, Verbal and Physical Self-Defense, it trains individuals to build their courage, increase their self-esteem and provide the confidence to heighten their sense of leadership, which helps them to reach their personal goals and full potential.

Take the first step towards your personal safety TODAY by contacting us at POWERHOUSE STRONG!

Monday, November 3, 2014


October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Although we are no longer in this month, awareness on intimate partner abuse must still remain a topic for discussion and we must continue to strive to reduce the statistics.

Domestic violence is not just a problem in other countries far beyond the shores of the US. It is a very real and insidious problem that is occurring right under our noses and occurs across all socio-economic, ethnic, educational and religious groups.

The number of US women that were murdered by their partners between 2001 and 2012 is 11,766.  This is almost twice as many American Troops that were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq during the same period. This is not a ‘domestic’ issue that we can just ignore.  It is a national problem that is not going away anytime soon.  The facts and figures are sobering!

-          3 women are murdered each day in the USA by a current or ex male partner.

-          4,774,000 women experience physical violence by an intimate partner each year in the USA.

-          1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic violence in their lifetimes.

-          Women lose 8,000,000 days of paid work each year as a result of the abuse.

-          10,000,000 children are witnesses to domestic violence each year.

Many people wonder “Why does she stay?” “Why doesn’t she just take the kids and leave?” “If it was that bad she would have left a long time ago!”
Domestic violence is often associated with physical and emotional abuse.  However, there is another ambiguous form of abuse that plays a key role in preventing a woman from leaving.  It is financial abuse!  This is a common tactic used by the abusers to gain power and control over their partners.  The decision to stay has nothing to do with having a choice to decide at all.  It is the lack of power that prevents the women from leaving.

Financial abuse is a very powerful way of keeping someone trapped in a relationship. Research has shown that financial abuse is experienced in as high as 98% of abusive relationships, and it is the victim’s concern over their inability to become financially independent and provide for themselves and their children, that has them staying or returning to an abusive situation.
As is the case with other forms of domestic abuse, financial abuse progresses over time. Initially the abuser may start to take advantage in a very subtle way, even appearing as loving and charming and claiming to only have the victim’s best interests at heart. For example, in seeing that the victim is under a lot of stress, the abuser may suggest they lighten the burden by taking care of the finances and giving whatever is needed each week.  Over time, the amount given becomes less and less and by the time the victim decides to take back control over the finances, it is too late.

Here are some examples of financial abusive behavior that includes controlling the finances, sabotaging employment, theft and unpredictability:

-          Giving you an allowance.

-          Putting your paycheck into their bank account and not allowing you access to this account.

-          Spending money on themselves and not allowing you to do the same.

-          Hiding car keys to prevent you from going to work.

-          Forbidding you to work, or limiting your hours.

-          Getting you fired by harassing you at work and disrupting your duties.

-          Stealing your key resources.

-          Using your Social Security Number to obtain credit without your permission.

-          Using a joint savings account without your knowledge.

-          Maxing out credit cards without your permission.

-          Offering resources in an unpredictable and inconsistent way, causing the victim a lot of stress as they have no idea if they are getting money for food, medicine or clothing.
Financial abuse is usually coupled with physical and emotional abuse.  Anyone that is in an abusive relationship is deprived of power and this can make it extremely difficult to leave.

The POWERHOUSE Program is designed to build self-esteem, confidence and courage in girls and women in order for them to reach their full potential.  According to Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, safety is a key part in our development, and comes second to our physiological needs.  Feeling safe and secure can help you feel empowered to gain the financial security needed to escape an abusive relationship. Additionally, the POWERHOUSE Program is an education in prevention and avoidance. Learning how to identify potentially harmful behavior, the warning signs, from the start is key to preventing someone becoming a victim of domestic violence.
Take the first step towards your Personal Safety and Empowerment TODAY by contacting us at POWERHOUSE STRONG!


Monday, October 27, 2014


The origins of Halloween is dated back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when they celebrated their New Year on November 1.  This marked the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture and the beginning of winter.  It was also believed that on October 31, the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.  The word Halloween is an abbreviation of All Hallows’ Evening.

The Samhain festival involved huge sacred bonfires, where crops and animals would be sacrificed to the Celtic gods.  The people would wear costumes and masks and would tell each other’s fortunes.
By 43AD the Roman Empire had ruled the Celtic lands for four hundred years, at which time they combined their Roman festivals with the traditional Samhain festival.  This was known as Feralia, where the Romans commemorated the passing of the dead.
In 609AD Pope Boniface IV dedicated the 13th day of May to all Christian Martyrs, but it was Pope Gregory III (731-741) that expanded the festival to include all Saints and moved the observance from May 13 to November 1.  In 1000 AD the church made November 2 ‘All Souls’ Day’ in honor of the dead.

Trick-or-Treating is one of the main traditions of Halloween today.  It is socially expected for children to knock on a door and shout ‘Trick-or-Treat’. Trick-or-Treat can be traced back to the early All Souls’ Day festivities in England.  During these festivities the poor would beg for food and were given pastries known as ‘soul cakes’ by families, in exchange for prayers for the family’s dead relatives.

As we approach Halloween, children all over the world are getting excited about dressing up in their costumes to go trick-or-treating, in the hope that they collect even more candy than they did last year! The candy buckets get larger and larger each year! While the focus is on racing around to as many houses as possible, it is extremely important that while having fun, SAFETY must be taken seriously! Not just for the Trick-or-Treaters, but for the motorists as well.

-          All children under the age of 12 should be accompanied by a responsible adult.

-          Children need to be instructed to ONLY go to well-lit areas and to avoid trick-or-treating alone.

-          Children should NEVER enter a stranger’s home.

-          Give your child a flashlight, or glow stick, so they can be seen and can see others.

-          If possible, use face paint or make-up on your child.  A mask can obstruct a child’s vision.

-          Make sure you are able to communicate with your child, by having them carry a cell phone.

-          Avoid crossing the road too often.  Walk down one side of the street, then the other. DO NOT dart back and forth across the road.

-          Always walk on sidewalks and walk facing oncoming cars.

-          When crossing the road, look left, right and left again before crossing.

-          Do not allow your child to take their electronic devices with them. ONLY cell phones.

-          Agree on a time when you expect children to return home.

-          Children should not eat their treats until they return home.


-          Slow down when driving through a neighborhood.  Children are unpredictable when excited.

-          Enter and exit driveways slowly and carefully.

-          Do not use your cell phone while driving, and eliminate any other distractions inside the car.

-          Trick-or-Treating typically takes place between 5.30pm – 9.30pm, so be especially alert during these hours.

-          Discourage teenagers from driving on Halloween, as they are inexperienced and there are too many distractions.

The POWERHOUSE Program is designed to increase your self-esteem and provide the confidence that heightens your sense of awareness! RISE UP! SPEAK UP! POWER UP!
Take the first step towards your personal safety TODAY by contacting us at POWERHOUSE STRONG!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Acorn Tops Used by the Ancient Chinese
The whistle has been used since ancient times as a way to attract attention to potential threats and danger.  In 3rd century China, Night Watchmen used the top of acorns as their whistles.  They would blow into the tops to alert the towns to invading Mongolian forces.

The Ancient Egyptians on the other hand would use two blades of the papyrus plant as their whistles.  They would hold the blades together in between their palms and blow into their palms to make a very loud sound. Ingenious!

Blades of the Papyrus Plant
 However, it was around 1875 that the first brass whistle was designed by Joseph and James Hudson, from Birmingham, England.  This was the first whistle to be used by football referees.  Before this, handkerchiefs would be used to signal the players.
It was in 1884 that the Hudson brothers introduced their whistle to Scotland Yard (the Metropolitan Police Service responsible for policing London). The whistles were used to call for back-up in threatening situations. Its shrill, piercing sound was loud enough to attract attention and get help.  They were so successful that they were quickly adopted by Police Forces around the United Kingdom.
British 'Bobby' on his London Beat

Being born and raised in London, my image of a typical British ‘Bobby’ was of a uniformed man, wearing a helmet, carrying a truncheon and a whistle, walking his beat around London Town, protecting the citizens.  No tasers, no guns, just a simple, basic truncheon and whistle.
After almost 100 years in use by the Police Force, the last operational whistles were phased out in 1974/75, when hand-held personal radios were introduced to call for back-up.  However, the police whistle has made a return to the City of Cambridge, England, after 35 years.  The reason behind its reintroduction was to deal with cyclists who abuse the cycling laws around this university city.  If a cyclist ignores a ‘no entry’ or ‘no cycling’ sign, one blow of the whistle will stop them in their tracks.

People have been conditioned to know that when they hear the loud, sharp, shrill sound of a whistle, it is a call for action and it gets immediate attention.  The human ear is sensitive to high sounds.  So even though shouting loudly will attract attention, it does not have the same intensity as the sound of a 120 decibels whistle.  In this respect, the whistle can be an effective form of self-defense.

The whistle can be seen as one of the safest forms of personal protection. Unlike many other personal safety products, like pepper spray and stun guns, a whistle cannot be turned on you.  As a high-pitched sound will attract attention, it is likely to deter a criminal, as they do not wish to be caught.  Here are some other reasons why the whistle can be the best personal safety product:

Whistle designed by Festivity Designs
       1.      Children of ALL ages can use them.
2.      If you do not have a loud voice, or are unable to use your voice, the whistle can become your voice!
3.      You can carry a whistle in your pocket, or wear it around your neck or wrist.
4.      You can travel with it anywhere, including going through airport security.
5.      If misused, whether intentionally or not, it will not harm an innocent person, though likely to cause some discomfort to the ears!
However, all this being said, NO personal safety product, including the whistle, is a substitute for reliable personal safety training.  A serious attacker may ignore a whistle and snatch it away from you.  The same is for pepper spray or a stun gun.  The POWERHOUSE Program is intended to change the mindsets of participants about using full strength and physical force in order to defend themselves.  It is the reason the POWERHOUSE Program is designed to build up confidence and courage before training the physical component of personal safety.  A lot of females are conditioned not to shout and to shy away from physical confrontation.  The dangerous result of this is that they may freeze and not respond to a potential threat, and therefore not use their voice, their whistle, or any other personal safety product.  Proper education, which the POWERHOUSE Program provides, is essential, in order for everyone, especially children and young adults, to learn how to effectively use their whistles if they are under some kind of threat, or even being lost.
The POWERHOUSE Program is designed to increase your self-esteem and provide the confidence that heightens your sense of awareness! RISE UP! SPEAK UP! POWER UP!
Take the first step towards your personal safety TODAY by contacting us at POWERHOUSE STRONG!

Monday, October 13, 2014


The recent murder of a Real Estate Agent in Arkansas has caused much concern about women’s safety around the USA.
Beverly Carter, 49 years old, vanished on September 25 after showing a home.  A few days later her body was found in a shallow grave, 25 miles away from where she was last seen.  Arron Lewis was arrested and charged for her murder.  When asked why he had targeted Carter, he said, “Because she was just a woman that worked alone – a rich broker.”

According to the National Association of Realtors, the number of assaults on Real Estate professionals is on the rise, with the attacks becoming more violent and sometimes fatal, as in the case of Beverly Clark.

Realtors are in an occupation that allows them to meet with strangers on a daily basis. They meet with people one-on-one!  Their hours of work vary and include evenings and weekends, when typically less people are around.

We warn people who meet others online, for example, online dating, to ALWAYS have the first few meetings in a public place, where there are lots of people around and NEVER at their own homes. This should be after spending a good amount of time getting to know this person online.  It is not the nature of a Realtor’s job to meet a prospect a couple of times before showing them a house. Even if a potential buyer is asked to meet at the Realty Office first, that person is still a complete stranger.

Realtors also use Social Media, like Facebook, Twitter and websites to give out all kinds of personal information and to announce their Open Houses. Some even advertise how successful they are in either selling a house, or finding you that perfect home. We all know that social media is accessible to EVERYONE and ANYONE, including criminals. In giving out too much information, Realtors are easy prey for these criminals. They know your name and your contact information!  They know that you are financially successful! They know exactly where you will be and exactly what time you will be there!

There is another factor as to why Realtors are ‘easy’ targets. In the Real Estate profession you do not get paid until you make a sale! This means Agents are tempted to meet a potential buyer in the hope that they will make that quick sale.  Imagine you are the breadwinner in your family.  Or that working as a Realtor is your only source of income. Bills are piling up and you are struggling to pay your mortgage or rent. Then you receive a call from someone who is in town for just a day and wants to see a particular listing. They think this could be the perfect house for them. It is likely you will put the chance of earning some money ahead of your safety! This can be very risky!
It is extremely important that ALL Realtors go through Personal Safety Training, in order to prevent becoming a victim of an attack.  This training should include awareness on personal marketing and how to limit the information given out to the public. It should include information on how to prepare for a showing or open houses. Most importantly, the Personal Safety Training should include learning about and identifying unusual and potentially harmful behavior. In other words, the red flags and warning signs.

Although this latest murder of a Real Estate Agent has shaken the Realty profession, it has also caused a great deal of concern to any woman who works ‘in the field’ or is traveling alone, as any one of them is a potential target! Don’t ever think it will never happen to you!

Education and awareness are key in preventing tragic stories like the murder of Beverly Carter. The Powerhouse mission is to educate and empower ALL girls and women to live safe, healthy and active lives. In order to do this our Program includes the very important component of Emotional Self-Defense.  We teach skills in Prediction, Recognition of danger signs, Observation and understanding and being in tune with your Intuition.
Take the first step towards your personal safety TODAY by contacting us at POWERHOUSE STRONG!